Over the last 100 plus years, over 150,000 women have become members of our illustrious sorority. Our dynamic members come together under the unifying ideals of Scholarship, Sisterhood, Service, and Finer Womanhood. As a result of the innovative spirit and consistent dedication of our Founders and Sisters throughout our history, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. has been the author of many firsts in Greekdom:
- Zeta Phi Beta is the first and only Greek Letter sorority to be officially and constitutionally bound to a fraternity (Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc).
Zeta Phi Beta was the first Greek-letter organization to organize its internal affairs within a central, national office, administered by a paid staff.
Zeta Phi Beta was the first Greek-letter organization to form adult and youth auxiliary groups, known as the Amicae, Archonettes, Amicettes and Pearlettes.
Zeta Phi Beta was the first Greek-letter organization to charter international chapters in Africa (1948).
Lambda Zeta is a progressive, action-oriented, award-winning chapter. Lambda Zeta Chapter's membership is comprised of more than 150 college educated women with diverse careers. We have within our ranks teachers, professors, lawyers, accountants, social workers, engineers, and health care professionals. Most of our members are highly accomplished and have obtained advanced degrees in their respective fields.
New Membership
Membership in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. is by invitation only. Our standards are highly selective, and requirements include:
A baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution
Must have a track record of community service and/or leadership
Outstanding character, skills, talents and abilities
Adequate time for chapter meetings and service activities
Financial capability
Commitment to scholarly endeavors
Demonstrate the traits of Finer Womanhood and an interest in fostering the ideal of Sisterly love
If you are interested in Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., please feel free to attend any of our public events to learn more about the chapter and get to know its members. Questions may be directed to firstvicepresident@zphiblz.org.
Reactivate or Transfer Your Membership
If you are a Zeta Member in the Houston area interested in reactivating or transferring your membership, we would love to have you join us!
More information can be obtained by e-mailing the First Vice-President Click here to send an email. You will be contacted shortly.